Why No More English

Not that I've stop blogging in English. I'm still writing facts in English. Just want to express myself with Bahasa Melayu lately. I need some refreshments and reduce my stress.

Things that can make me stress (I can guarantee all are having the same thing) are money, work and love. Yes! I'm having difficulties in financial and I need to find a job that can secure my future. I can see my future in oil and gas industry.. but my heart was sulking with the organization that I'm in right now. Not with the company, but with several people inside.

There's no fun anymore in it. Was it just me feeling that way, or others can feel it too? Several people are acting like a boss. It's very difficult to work under so many bosses right? Anyway, I will write in English sometimes later. My next entry will be, How To Hack Facebook.


Anonymous said...

Why so serius?hehehe...santai2 jer bro, yg penting ciptakan masa menaip entry setiap hari...baru laa hari2 ade visitor

My recent post Lie To Me

Nashrul Sabri said...

How to create entry everyday bro if my work doesn't give me chances to do so. Never mind, I created this blog only for my personal keep. Hahaa!

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