Goodbye February, Welcome March

Time travel so fast. Even me myself, I couldn't hardly catch it. It is already March though I feel like yesterday was the first day we celebrate new year.

What are your achievements in February? I still have a month or so to start paying all the debts. Insya'Allah, I will try to settle all of it in 3 years time and ready to keep on track after that period. Next year, I'm getting married. Have I prepared myself for it? Maybe YES, maybe NO is the answer. If I answer it YES but Allah don't concede it, what should I do?


Allah knows what is best for me and for all His servant. Allah loves us very much and we will be tested to the max before He give us something that is really beyond our expectations. Trust me! Before that, I wanted to ask myself and others. How grateful we are? How many times did we remember Allah for all that we had in this life? Seriously, A true Muslim is getting lesser and lesser each day. But why? Because we forgot the prosperity given by Him and we're drown in the modernizations.

How many of us know how our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW defended our religion from infidel? He was struggling so hard to defend Allah's religion, Islam. How many of us know, when was the first revelation brought by Jibrail AS (a.k.a Ruh al Amin) to our Prophet Muhammad SAW? We're forgetting the gospels of our beloved Rasulullah SAW each day.

Life is getting older and older. We're washed away by today's world. Let's repent and as a Muslim, I need to  bring back the glory of Islam that our Prophet Muhammad SAW left us with. It is my duty to remind myself and all the Muslims out there. We're strong if we can unite and fight against ignorance for the glory of Islam, Allah's religion. Wake up, and 'fight'!

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