Automatic Car Wash

Nothing much for today!

I helped my mother with her score sheets, percentage and reports. Sharp at 1500hrs, I've finished with the score sheets and percentage.

Hard headache caused as usual. I overslept for a while (nearly 3 hours)!

At 1930hrs after prayer, I left home to find my mom's ticket at Hentian Bas Geliga. While waiting for the counter to re-open at 2100hrs, I spent my precious time at the car wash. It was almost 3 months since I last sent my car for grooming.

It's an automatic car wash, a drive thru car wash. Don't have to wait long and it is cost effective. Only MYR 8.00 for both inner side and outside. Very fast and efficient. There are 3 foreign workers (from Bangladesh I think) surrounding my car.

Finished at 2030hrs and it was still early. I figured out that the air pressure inside all the tires weren't in a perfect condition. Went to Petronas to fill all tires with an advisable measured pressure of air.

Arrived back at Hentian Bas Geliga at 2100hrs sharp! Upset to find that it wasn't re-open yet. Call the number left at the counter. There's no one answered. I try to think positive. Maybe the ticket seller is on his or her way riding on a motorcycle.

She arrived at 2110hrs. 10 minutes out of schedule. No apology asked. I just bought the ticket and flee away from the place. I can't be a tolerate guy when my stomach is empty. Need an anger management advisor! Pleaseeeee..

Back at home nearly 2200hrs. Finished up my meal and continue working on my mom's report. My plan for tomorrow? Not yet planned.

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